Friday, August 31, 2012

Victims of another N line switchback

What did that judge say? Something akin to a slap in the fscr of muni patrons.

not for everyday

But at just $5 per person, how can you resist a buffet lunch with good fried chicken? Even if it is in Gold Lounge. The lunch was surprisingly good, with huge bowls of spring salad and Greek salad, two kinds of hummus, roast beef, veggie kabobs, fried chicken, and cake and cookies for dessert. I skipped the carrot cake because I believe it a crime against stomachs but I enjoyed the coconut macaroons (not to be confused with the French cookie confection.) The view was... different but nothing awful or distasteful. After all, we are eating lunch.

I love a good work of art

Some of the evidence from the first company picnic in four or so years...

Almost ready

I could go to the ballpark as is on Monday but I'm hoping that I will find a good half hour or so to add the blue tulle. Because that's what separates R2-D2 from girly R2.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

the hit streak

Redemption from last night's fiasco was earned as Madison Bumgarner led the Giants to a resounding 6-1 victory over the Nationals tonight. Madison completed the game and everyone played well... Melky, Buster, and Panda started off a hit streak in the eighth that gave the Giants they needed for a win. That's right, everyone got to bat in the eighth!

This is Buster Bunny's and my last game before Colombia, so it was extra sweet that it wasn't cold, that the $5 splash credit on my ticket worked, and that we won.

Go Giants!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Saturday, August 11, 2012

do the robot

So I'm not a fantastic sewer, and the addition of a sewing machine didn't aid my endeavor to create an R2-D2 costume for Star Wars night at the ballpark. But don't think that I'm going to show up in plainclothes just yet.

I have returned to good ol' craft foam! I'm still sewing the patches onto the dress but now it's by hand instead of by machine. And for some reason, I'm just not that handy with machines.

Besides, foam is easier to cut than cotton cloth and naturally holds its shape. And... I got glitter foam! A short night's work produced these quick results.

R2-D2, here I come!

dear Outside Lands...

Dear Outside Lands music festival,

I still don't like you because you turn a 5-minute drive along the beach into a 25-minute tortuous crawl, you leave mounds of drug-laced feces in the park, and you sell yourself as the concert for everyone while charging a kidney for a ticket and the firstborn child in the family for a taste of SF's so-called best food and drink. Good thing you only come around once a year, right?

Well, I must admit that you are growing on me. Oh you are still self-righteously expensive and I won't be taking any walks in the park until the Department of Public Works has cleaned up Lindley Meadow, but I must say that something magical has happened this year. Traffic along the beach is not the monstrosity I expected, and I thank you for that. Perhaps I am just lucky, perhaps it is now bumper-to-bumper agony as I sit in my comfy home and type away. The parking lots at the beach are packed for such a nice foggy day but the roads are moving, and that's what matters.

Traffic along Ocean Beach was such a non-issue today that I had time to stop by the supermarket and pick up a few things for my mom. Oh sure, she's much closer to Safeway than I am but she doesn't like to leave the house on "dirty hippie weekend." Hey, you can't win them all.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

So that's what they think of me...

I came into work today and found a giftlet from my boss... at first all I could think was "why Thor??" But the more longer I had it, the more I realized the special project has turned me into a sort of sassy Thor at work.

It's hammer time!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

mystery solved... for now

Thanks to my brother's awesome dog-caretaker girlfriend, we are pretty sure that Soleil is a mix between a papillon and a chihuahua. The former explains the characteristic ears and tail while the latter is the strongest argument for her weird personality and why I love her so much!

Envious of her little doggy bed in the backyard? Just ask my mom for one.