Things started out okay... I warmed up a gallon of milk and added the citric acid and rennet as directed. But maybe the milk cooked too long, maybe I stirred things too much, but whatever I ended up with, it sure wasn't cheese.
The kit...
It was only our third time at Elephant and Castle's trivia night. We went past 4th. We zoomed past 3rd. We skipped 2nd place and for the first time ever, the team known as "I'm Rick James, bitch!" landed in 1st place! That resulted in a prize of $50 off the bar tab, which was well received by the team.
The questions started out easy, maybe too easy... who is the youngest daughter in the Simpsons family? What breed is Uggie from "The Artist"? We stumbled in the third and fifth round, the fifth being the infamously obscure music trivia round. And then the sixth and final round ended. Quizmaster read the answers and I tallied that we got 8 out of 10 correct. I added 8 to our score for a total of 52 and grimaced as Quizmaster announced that the third place team racked up 52 points. Oh well, third place again isn't shabby at all.
But Rick James wasn't called. Nor was he called for second place with 56 points.
Then as Quizmaster called out the many people that comprise Rick James, I remwmbered that the points in the last round are always doubled.
We had 60 points. And for the umpteenth time of the night, Elephant and Castle resounded with the screams and cheers of that table in the back.
Yes we were loud, but what would you have done about it? I'm Rick James, bitch!
Clockwise from top: Violet cassis, apricot, mango, and raspberry. |
Many a back of someone's head... a clue to the median age of crowd at the concert. What can I say, popera panders to a certain demographic. |
Sebastien, Urs, Carlos, and David take a bow. |
My new Galaxy and my old Chocolate... re-added via my trusty desktop computer after the above mishap. |
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The limited-edition Harajuku Girls camera designed by Gwen Stefani, when her first solo album made her my idol. Picture taken by my smartphone! |
Before... |
... and after! |