I try to keep things positive on this blog but sometimes life warrants a little acknowledgement of the unwanted.
Take these super-vague horoscopes from last week:
Thursday June 7 (upper): You could be irritated by a personal matter. Calm down, and know that the presently difficult situation will work out in your favor. Friday June 8 (lower): You seem to be on top of the world right now. It's as if you see many light-years ahead of the here and now. |
Oh Jacqueline Bigar, sometimes you are just too uncanny! Last Thursday my (now ex-) boyfriend announced he was breaking up with me so he could run off and join the circus / get abducted by aliens / save the dinosaurs. Well, not really, but he might as well have said any or all of the above because the real "reason" was just as out of the blue... unfortunately, his "reason" makes less sense than saving the dinosaurs. But you must let people make their own mistakes.
After a bit of thinking and even less crying, the whole fiasco left me more slackjawed than sad. It's been four fun and happy months cut short by a brainfart but I can rest easy knowing that this happened now, not later. And I can return to being single me!
Now I don't usually like to read into real omens but when he broke my llama magnet, I should've known!
I'll make you as right as rain,
mi llamita!
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